The 11th International Workshop on CoDesign (CoDesign-11)

July 8-12, 2025, in Osaka, Japan

Osaka Castle


As the power of modern supercomputing systems continues to advance at an exciting pace forward to extreme scales, it is quite clear that the associated software development challenges are also increasingly formidable. On the emerging architectures, memory and data motion present increasingly serious bottlenecks as the required low-power consumption requirements lead to systems with significant restrictions on available memory and communications bandwidth. Consequently, computational science experts in multiple application domains will need to re-visit key application algorithms and solvers – with the likelihood that new capabilities will be demanded in order to keep up with the dramatic architectural changes that accompany the impressive increases in compute power.

Co-design, in the most basic sense, engages the necessary collaborations between hardware designers, computer scientists, applied mathematicians, and computational science experts in multiple application domains to carry out the essential interdisciplinary research that will enable harvesting in a timely way the scientific and technological benefits as HPC hardware moves forward to extreme scales.

Following the successes of CoDesign 2011 through 2023, the 11th International Workshop on CoDesign will be held on July 8-12, 2025 in Osaka, Japan.

The primary motivation for the international CoDesign Workshop is to continue to enable productive and timely interdisciplinary discussions with focus on stimulating progress in domain applications that engage extreme-scale computing and modern big data problems. This will feature new challenges and opportunities encountered in the development of numerical simulation software needed for computing at the extreme scale. By gathering insights from successful experiences in petascale simulation applications, it is hoped that this workshop will help optimize a converged co-design path toward computing at the extreme scale and associated big data challenges.

Topics of Interest

The focus areas for this workshop include, but are not limited to:

Workshop Program


Keynote Speaker

Invited Speaker

Organization Committee

General Chair

Program Chair

Executive Chair

Local Chair

Web Chair